
25 July, 2022

Clyde Gateway Energy Workshops | June 2022

Last month (June 2022), Clyde Gateway hosted Industry and Policy Maker workshops at our brand-new events venue, The Bothy at Cuningar Loop. The workshops raised awareness and knowledge of 5GDHC technology in general and more specifically informed the stakeholders about planned the investments at Clyde Gateway.



Industry Workshop:


The workshop brought together a range of local and regional stakeholders who have been involved in researching and developing a regional vision for rolling out 5GDHC in the ‘follower region,’ Scotland. Those in attendance have also been involved in local action plans for replicating 5GDHC in local areas.


It introduced the concept of 5th Generation Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) and presented the scope for 5GDHC to address Scottish Government carbon targets. It focused on experiences in 5GDHC delivery including technical and financial considerations.


During the workshop, experts of 5GDHC presented their knowledge to interested industry professionals:


  • Martin McKay, Clyde Gateway, hosted the workshop. He welcomed guests and introduced the stakeholders to the D2 Grids project and the wider Clyde Gateway regeneration project.
  • Emilia Motoasca from Vito outlined the principles and KPIs of 5GDHC
  • Doreen Reid, Scottish Enterprise and Graduate Engineer, Arran Kirkbright from Ramboll jointly presented opportunities in Scotland to be a Leader in 5GDHC
  • Kevin Waters, Renfrewshire Council, Sam Haston, Buro Happold and James Reid from FES spoke about best practice and lessons learned from their Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) 5GDHC project


These sessions focused on raising awareness and knowledge of 5GDHC with the audience and sharing experiences from investments in 5GDHC in East Renfrewshire and in Glasgow/South Lanarkshire.



Policy Maker Workshop


The workshop presented the current state of activity around 5GDHC and explored the scope for promoting 5GDHC as a key technology to support Scottish Government Net Zero by 2045. It focussed on the technical and commercial aspects of delivering 5GDHC as a practical solution to meeting renewable energy targets.


It brought together regional and local stakeholders who have been involved in the policy landscape in Scotland for district heating, including 5th generation district heating.  As the ‘follow region,’ stakeholders learned more about the opportunities for 5GDHC in Scotland, looking at pilot site examples, and what needs to be done locally to roll these out.



During the workshop, experts of 5GDHC presented their knowledge to interested industry professionals:

  • As with the Industry event, Martin McKay, Clyde Gateway, also hosted the Policy Maker Workshop. He welcomed guests and introduced the stakeholders to the D2 Grids project and the wider Clyde Gateway regeneration project.
  • Eugenia Bueno-Martinez from the Open University presented on the D2Grids project and the principles of 5GDHC
  • Andres Gonzalez Quiros, British Geological Survey spoke about the Geothermal potential and UKGEOS Project
  • Doreen Reid from Scottish Enterprise presented opportunities in Scotland to be a Leader in 5GDHC
  • Sarah-Jane McArthur, Brodies LLP highlighted the regulatory landscape for district heating and 5GDHC in particular
  • Helen Smith, Scottish Water raised awareness of the challenges and opportunities for 5GDHC in Scotland
  • Kevin Waters, Renfrewshire Council and Sam Haston, Buro Happold spoke about best practice and lessons learned from their Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) 5GDHC project



These presentations provided an insight into 5GDHC and the economic, environmental, social challenges and opportunities it provides. The audience was asked to consider what questions and challenges Scotland, as a ‘follower region’ would have to answer in order to roll out 5GDHC.



The workshops were recorded for anyone who was unable to attend…please follow links below:


Industry Workshop – Tuesday 7th June 2022


Policy Maker Workshop – Wednesday 8th June 2022


Watch the 60 Second Film